Security & Emergency Plans for a Youth Ministry

Security & Emergency Plans

1. Determine the Boundaries:

Week to Week, determine what your group has access to, we need everyone there by _:__PM.

Students and Adults may use the ______ bathroom, but not the kid's area bathroom because it is a secure area for children. No student may go outside OR hang out in the lobby during our group time.  If we’re at another location, adults will help enforce boundaries that leadership sets up. 

"No Wanderers, Stay with the Group."

2. All students need to be in their assigned area during ministry hours because:

- That’s where their parents expect them to be chaperoned (If not, then the reason is that Pastor _____ needs them in the room for church)

- Their family needs to know where to find them in case of emergency

- If something goes wrong (Fire Alarm is pulled or “other”) they will become a prime suspect if they have been outside of supervision.

- It’s the best place for them to be.

3. Security Sweep: ADULT #1 

#1 is the last person out of the gym and will sweep the corridors and outdoors randomly checking to see that students are in their assigned area.  

"Don't let anyone get behind you."

4. Bathroom Breaks:

We encourage students to use the bathroom before worship and the sermon, however if students needs to use the bathroom they may go, one person at a time, and will be given 5 min. before their small group leader goes out to check on them. Watch the doors.  Tell them “Hurry up, you’ve got 3 minutes (before they need to be back).”

"Never stop a girl from going to the bathroom. Trust me, just don't."

5. Unauthorized Adults:

Parents have access to check out our ministry activities during the week, but other adults will need to be screened before they are able to hang out with minors. Unknown adults will need to be asked to leave until they go through our process.

"All adults who work with minors must be background checked by the church."

6. Positive Environment:

Our Leadership team strives to make church a positive environment and are here to look out for the safety and well-being of our students and church property. So when students are on campus or ministry related trips, they are in a safety zone. That means that there is no name calling, foul language, bullying, fighting, or other intimidation allowed during class, events, or transition periods outside of church services. They need us to be the adults when monitoring behavior.

"Keep your hands and feet to yourself." Smile...

7. Escalated Misbehavior or Misunderstanding:

We will look for good behaviors and positive traits to encourage in each student, however if a situation out of the ordinary occurs, and a student is disrespecting and defying an adult chaperone, that student may be asked to (do not physically lead them) go into the hall with at least two adults in order to talk it through or be led to sit with their parents in the adult area.  If parents are off campus, they may need to be called to pick them up. The situation needs to be reported to Pastor _____ for proactive follow up with them and their family.   

"Buddy Up." 

8. Crowd Control:

There’s a student causing a commotion in the room – what do you do? How do you handle the situation well? Don’t wait. Will someone else jump in? Let’s just take the “wait and see” approach to see if it gets worse. No…take action when non-appropriate disruption occurs. The person on stage should be able to pretend like nothing is going on and model grace.

"Use as much discipline as necessary, but as little as possible."

a. Use this 4 Step Process to manage the crowd:

 1. Request – This is the simple ask for improved behavior. This is almost always the right first step. Give them “the eye." Motion and tell them to pay attention. 

 2. Reseat – Move them closer to the leader Or away from their partner in crime. Think of this as “within reach factor.” In fact, the leader can sit right next to or behind them to help them focus better.

 3. Remove – You may have to remove them from the situation. Remove them for a few minutes, or the rest of the service time, maybe taking them to their parents. Removal is a necessary part of handling something like this. Lead with grace here and you won’t have regrets.

 4. Relay – Involve the parents. Make sure the parents are in the loop (that day), and ask them to partner with you on making sure the disruptive behavior doesn’t happen again.

If it is a new student, show more grace while they learn the culture of church and what is expected of them. Be slower to disciplining someone who you don’t have a relationship with at all, than a known offender.

"We want you here, but being here means showing respect."

9. Lockdown Procedure:  

In the event of an intruder, hallway doors will be locked, 911 will be called by any available adult, and group will follow instructions of adult leaders. Option 1 Exit building together through outside door and collect near ____X___ spot. Option 2 If you can't exit, Barricade the Door, turn out lights, and lay on ground silently until danger has passed.

"Best option is to scatter!" 

This is not an exhaustive list of our efforts, but represents a plan for the Safety & Security of our students and leaders.

-Pastor _______


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