Student Security Policy

 Dear CHURCH Parents & Students,

As you know, we strive to be alert to the needs of our church family and do all that we can to provide a safe, effective environment for our young people to grow spiritually.

It has come to our attention that from time to time students have been found “skipping” classes or services during regular Wednesday and Sunday hours. In some cases this has been due to homework loads, but in most cases has been for social reasons. It is our belief at ____CHURCH_____ that spiritual growth is of the highest priority, and because of that, participation in ministries and services provided is very important. Additionally, we have concern for the safety of minors who are on campus who are not under the care of their parents or our trained, background-checked youth leaders. 

So to address these concerns we would like to make you aware of some updated policies for ministry times at  ____CHURCH_____ and would appreciate your help in communicating and re-enforcing these expectations: 

1) All students are expected to be in the appropriate ministry activities provided during weekly ministry times (6:00-8:30 PM on Wednesdays, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM on Sundays), or with a parent/legal guardian. Students found outside of the appropriate classes will be asked to go to their student ministry activity or will be escorted to the nearest available parent by staff, ministry leaders, or security volunteers.

2) Students who wish to participate in the ministry of one of the student choirs are required to be in the associated student services provided after choir practice; we believe their spiritual growth through their participation in student ministries is critical to their ability to serve in our student choirs. Attendance in both choir practices and youth services is considered in assessing a student’s readiness for ministry in choir opportunities.

3) The Café area is open for homework, social time, and other connection opportunities before and after regular ministry times, but is closed during classes and services with the understanding that it is in everyone’s best interest to be involved in a church class or community when provided. Unsupervised minors will not be allowed to gather outside of youth ministry or church activities. 

4) We do not encourage homework to be done on campus during regular youth service times as it has proven to be a distraction from necessary focus on spiritual growth both for the student doing the homework and for those in the vicinity. We strongly support academic success, but believe that spiritual success is of even greater importance and our youth service offer a unique opportunity for students to focus and grow in that area. The teen years are a critical training ground for learning how to live the Christian life as well as how to faithfully prioritize the additional responsibilities that life brings.

These policies have been established with the best interests of our students and families at the heart. We thank our parents in advance for their support the spiritual growth of their child(ren) and others by actively supporting and cooperating with these policies. We expect all of the adults that call  ____CHURCH_____ “home” will set good examples for other young people by taking full advantage of valuable weekly ministry opportunities, and encourage others to do the same “so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ”(Eph. 4:12-13). 

Signed, ________________


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